Hips Ultrasound Scan

(Adult and Paediatrics)

  • Non-invasive imaging to assess the muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, bone and soft tissues of the adult hips

  • An ultrasound scan on paediatrics using the Graf Method from age from 2 - 6 months . This is an  early detection for congenital hips dysplasia, dislocation, and maturation

    30 minutes appointment for £175

At East Anglia Ultrasound Services our Sonographers are highly qualified, experienced and specialized in their field.

This procedure requires little to no special preparation. On the day of the appointment wear loose and comfortable clothing. You may be asked to wear a gown. Our team members are approachable, understanding and their main goal is to make your medical appointment as pleasant as possible, maintaining the highest of standards for your results’ quality.

If you have a special request, feel free to come in contact with us prior to your appointment.