Scans for women

The category of scans for a range of concerns, needs and symptoms.

  • Pelvic scan- examines the uterus, cervix, endometrium, both ovaries, adnexa and recto-utero pouch, fallopian tubes (which can only be identified if dilated or swollen) ,ureters and urinary bladder. This is also to detect or exclude pathologies and anatomic abnormalities like uterine masses or fibroids, congenital uterine anomalies, ovarian masses, cysts, polycystic ovaries, tubo-ovarian masses, signs of PID, endometriosis, adenomyosis ,uterine fibroids, cervical and endometrial polyps.

    45 minutes appointment for £175

    For more information if you experience pelvic pain , please visit the link below

  • Follicular Tracking - this is a transabdominal and transvaginal pelvic scan to assess number and size of follicles that may offer insight on a woman’s fertility and monitor timing of ovulation.

    60 minutes appointment for £210

  • Upper Abdominal scan - to determine the shape, size and appearances of the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, biliary tree, kidneys, spleen and abdominal aorta .To exclude abdominal ascites, cysts and masses.

    30 minutes appointment for £175

  • Lower Abdominal scan -determine the shape, size and appearances of the kidneys and urinary bladder . Evaluation of the anatomy of the uterus, endometrial thickness, ovaries , adnexa and to exclude fibroids, endometrial polyps ,ovarian cysts, masses and other adnexal pathologies. This can also determine signs for adenomyosis and endometriosis.

    45 minutes appointment for £175

    For more information if you experience pelvic pain , please visit the link below

  • Upper and Lower Abdominal Scan - to determine the shape, size and appearances of the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, biliary tree, kidneys, spleen and abdominal aorta .To exclude abdominal ascites, cysts and masses. Evaluation of the anatomy of the urinary bladder, uterus, endometrial thickness, ovaries , adnexa and to exclude fibroids, endometrial polyps ,ovarian cysts, masses and other adnexal pathologies. This can also determine signs for adenomyosis and endometriosis.

    60 minutes appointment for £215

  • Abdominal Wall Scan - is to rule out abdominal wall hernias, including umbilical hernia, epigastric hernia and spigelian hernia.

    30 minutes appointment for £175

  • Groin scan - To check for swollen lymph nodes in the groin area and rule out any groin/inguinal hernias .

    30 minutes appointment for £175

  • Kidneys and urinary bladder scan-To determine the size, shape and echogenicity of the kidneys. Exclude renal masses, cysts, calculi and hydronephrosis. Assessment of the urinary bladder for any masses , stones and inflammation.

    30 minutes appointment for £175

  • Breasts scan - Breasts Ultrasounds is to check the structure of your breast tissue, identify breast masses and cysts

    30 minutes appointment for £190

  • Lumps and bumps scan -Evaluation of superficial palpable lumps and bumps.

    30 minutes appointment for £175

  • Neck / Thyroid scan - To asses the thyroid, submandibular parotid glands, lymph nodes and any palpable sensation of mass.

    30 minutes appointment for £175