Non-Invasive Prenatal Tests (NIPT)

Combination of Maternal Blood ,(+/- ) Paternal Buccal Swab and Detailed Scan
NIPT – Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing In 1997, the presence of cell-free foetal DNA (cffDNA) in the maternal circulation was reported. Cell-free fetal DNA comes from the placenta, can be detected in the maternal blood from 10 weeks gestational age.NIPT is most reliable at assessing the chance of a fetus having Down’s Syndrome and also is an effective screening test for Edward’s and Patau’s Syndromes. Fetal sex can be determined from NIPT through the identification of the Y chromosome. This can be used to determine fetal sex in women whose fetus is at risk of an x-linked disorder, where the early determination of male fetus indicates the need for an invasive diagnostic test to determine whether the affected x-chromosome has been inherited. An invasive test is not required if the fetus is female. In pregnancies at risk of sex-linked conditions, NIPT with an ultrasound scan has been shown to reduce the use of invasive diagnostic testing by nearly 50% and has been approved by the UK Genetic Testing Network

This is a non-invasive prenatal test that assesses the risk for chromosome conditions such as Down Syndrome (T21), Edwards Syndrome (T18), Patau Syndrome (T13) and options for sex chromosome aneuploidies.

Courier is provided to pick up blood samples on the same day.

The blood samples are processed in the UK.

Appointment duration: 45 minutes

Availability of results: 2-4 working days
Price: £505

VeriSeq NIPT
Maternal Blood + Detailed Scan

Maternal Blood + Detailed Scan

Non-Invasive Prenatal Test that investigate the presence of Down’s Syndrome (T21), Edward’s Syndrome (T18 ), Patau Syndrome (T13) and sex aneuploidies (XO, XXX, XXY,XYY,XXYY)

Blood Samples are processed in UK.

Availability of Results: 3-5 working days

Duration of appointment: 45 minutes

Free Genetic Counselling for positive results

Price: £435

Maternal Blood + Detailed Scan

Panorama and 5 microdeletions screening for Down Syndrome (T21), Edward’s Syndrome (T18) and Patau Syndrome (T13), the gender of the baby (presence or absence of the Y chromosome), Triploidy, Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY), Turner Syndrome (Monosomy X), Di George Syndrome, 1p36 deletion syndrome, Angelman syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, Cri-du-chat syndrome, Jacob Syndrome (XYY), and Triple X (XXX). In the booking page you will have the option to add 5 micro-deletions for £100 more, if desired or required.

Blood samples are collected by the courier on the same day (no courier collection on weekends).

Blood samples are processed in U.S.A.

Results available within 9-12 days (including weekends)

Appointment duration: 45 minutes
Price: £445-£545

Click the link below for Free Pre and Post Test Genetic Counselling

Not valid screening for twins conceived by donor eggs.

PrenatalSAFE Complete PLUS

Maternal Blood + Paternal Buccal Swab + Detailed Scan

Most comprehensive NIPT screening for:

  • Down’s Syndrome (T21), Edward’s Syndrome (T18), Patau Syndrome (T13) and sex aneuploidies (XO, XXX,XXY,XYY,XXYY)

  • Rare Autosomal Aneuploidies for all chomosomes

  • Deletions and Duplications

  • Microdeletion Syndromes (DiGeorge Syndrome,Cri-du-chat Syndrome, Plader-Willi Syndrome, Angelman Syndrome,1p36 Deletion Syndrome,Wolf HirschhornSyndrome,Jacobsen Syndrome, Langer-Giedion Syndrome and Smith-Magenis Syndrome

  • Inherited genetic diseases (Cystic Fibrosis, Deafness Autosomal Recessive Type 1A, Deafness Autosomal Recessive Type 1B), HBB Beta Thalassemia and HBB Sickle Cell Anemia)

  • De Novo genetic diseases (Syndromic Disorders, Noonan Spectrum Disorders, Skeletal Disorders, Craniosynostosis)

    Free pre-test Genetic Counselling and Post-test counselling if positive results.

    DNA samples are processed in Italy.

    Duration of appointment: 45 minutes

    Availability of results : 20 full working days

    Price: £995